Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Characteristics of Fake People

 1. Narcissism: they make any and everything about them, and only come around when they need something and/or to feel better about themselves.
2. Sad Outlook on Life: all my former fake friends constantly complained about how much life sucked. No, you idiots certain life situations suck, but overall life is enjoyable.
3. Battles with Low Self Worth: They might act like hot stuff or a know it all, but really they can't stand themselves. Misery loves company, and every fake friend I ever had suffered from low self-esteem, and also at least once battled with depression, bipolar disorder or some other mental illness. They refused to seek help or get proper treatment, and instead self-medicated. Can be very competitive and/or vindictive in attempts to spread their misery. Example: A fake friend may badger you to purse a crush they know is no good for you. When you get hurt they'll tell you “I told you so”. Worse yet if you are happy with your crush, they might try to find ways to get between the two of you. Fake people hate to see other people happy when it doesn't benefit them. For some reason these people feel the need to always be the top dog, and nobody else deserves to shine above them ever.
4. No Responsibility: they refuse to accept responsibility for any of their actions, and they always proclaim themselves the victim.
5. Actions speak louder than words: Fake friends are constant walking contradictions; they say one thing, but do something completely different.
6. They are NOT that Innocent: Fake people love to pretend that they are nice, good people, and many believe they actually are. Example: A fake friend will say things like "I missed you, lets hang out." So you take the initiative and contact them. However, they don't respond: maybe you go online and see that they've logged on recently. Days go by and these fake friends still haven't contacted you. Why? Because they can't stand you, but being truthful and blunt about the situation goes against their ethos of playing the role of the good and innocent. They could simple build a rapport with you without mentioning hanging out ever, but that would also mean closing the door on any future opportunities to use you for their own personal gain(s).
7. Moving on to bigger, greener pastures: When they can't get what they want out of you, or when they realize that you can't help them achieve their desired image, they move on. These people also will distance themselves from you if they feel you make them look or feel bad about their lives and actions. Example: Melissa and Lewis both have had previous run ins with the law and financial problems. Melissa works hard to get her life back in order: looking for work, going back to school and is saving money to move out of her parents’ home. Lewis on the hand makes countless false promises to himself and others to clean up his act. He's two years older than Melissa and can't stand her “goody two shoes nature”; he thinks “This chick rarely drink, doesn't smoke or do drugs—how lame.” Lewis's parents adore Melissa, but Lewis finds her utterly boring. He will see what he can get out of her, then gradually diss her to hang out with his old buddies. Two months later Lewis is back in jail.
8. The Trial of Denial: Their is no point confronting these people and calling them out on their behavior. They will simply (ALWAYS) deny their actions, and try to turn the incident around so that everything looks like it’s your fault.If you run into a person who has any of these characteristics that I listed in this article just leave them alone. Use this article as a guide to recognize their behavior so you that you can find friends who are actually are worth your time.

Things Fake People Do

Things Fake People Do 

1. Smile all the time.

What is it about people who constantly smile — even when it’s way past the point of appropriate — that is so terrifying? Smiles usually elicit such a warm, calming response in other human beings. Unless, that is, the person smiling has had this Real Housewives-esque serial killer grin plastered on their face through every social encounter that day, including ones where they are unhappy or clearly dislike the people they’re surrounded by. The need to constantly present an “everything is awesome, this is great, as long as I keep smiling you can’t say anything” kind of attitude is one that says, on some level, “I have no idea how to actually interact with other humans.” We all know that person who, even if they practically have a mouth covered in blood from verbally ripping someone apart the second their back was turned, is going to greet you with a bright Stepford smile and a squeaky “Hiiii-eee!” That person is no fun to be around.

2. Give backhanded compliments.

“Oh my god, I love your apartment! It’s so little and cute!”
“That dress looks so good on you… very flattering in the stomach area.”
“This food is delicious, did you get it catered?”
What is better than starting off any social gathering with a nice, warm backhanded compliment smushed all over your face like a giant handful of mud? Nothing! That’s what fake people are there for, to tell you that, no matter how well you’re doing, you could always be doing better. (Or, as is often the case, they are doing better themselves.) It’s the kind of compliment you often expect to hear from your mother, or someone else who claims to have your best interests in mind but really just has their own well-drawn vision of exactly what your life should look like, and vocal disappointment about how it’s not looking that way. Fake people are always the first to — while keeping that crazy, plastered-on smile — remind you of your place in the world.

3. Be extremely passive-aggressive.

What’s wrong with that fake person? Oh, nothing. They’re fine. Don’t worry about them. They don’t have a single care in the world, they’re just going to make you tear and pry at their psyche like an archaeologist trying to get a sarcophagus open until they finally halfway-tell you what is actually wrong. Essentially, with fake people, nothing is actually what it seems, and everything that they say is going to have to be matched up with that secret decoder ring you got in a box of Froot Loops that one time. You’ll never really know what they’re thinking, or why they did something, and direct confrontation of the issue only makes them retreat further back into their shell. Their hard, lacquered tortoise shell of guarded feelings. Fake people are turtles.

4. Talking behind everyone’s backs.

The thing about gossip is, no matter how much you enjoy it in the moment (and we all kind of have our ugly moments of saying something nasty about someone that we wouldn’t say to their faces), you know it is probably happening behind your back, too. Sure, you can laugh with a particularly catty friend or acquaintance about that one girl whose dye job schedule is always in tragic misalignment with the rate at which her roots grow in, but what do you think that same person is going to be saying about your inability to match patterns the second you’ve walked out of the room? Gossip is a kind of poison that, the more we allow it to seep in our veins, the harder it is to completely get rid of. We like to pretend that only a certain class of Regina George Horrible People talk behind people’s backs — and certainly some do it more than others, that’s true — but in that department, it’s hard to find someone who never engages in fake person behavior. Oh, well. We’re probably all just getting laughed at for our awkward snort-laugh when our back is turned, just like we deserve.

5. Make you feel like crap.

I think the most significant marker of a fake person has to be their uncanny ability to make you feel like an utter loser in their presence. Whether its the constant guarding of their actual feelings, the tendency to make snide comments about everyone around them, or the general “omgurtotallymybestfriend” smile they give to each new person they encounter, it’s a recipe for self-esteem disaster. There’s nothing worse than hanging out with someone with whom you’re never sure of where you stand, and frankly aren’t even sure they consider you a friend in return. That’s the thing about fake people — you can never tell how much of their relationships are based on actual mutual interest and respect, versus how much is just for appearances or social climbing. Maybe they’re your friend, or maybe you’re just for networking purposes. When you go home at the end of the day, you should feel like the interactions you had with people were genuine, and that the emotional investments you make with friends — or even friendly acquaintances — is something worth making. Because if we let ourselves get caught up in the game of “let’s all be nice and smile and compliment and then be terrible behind each other’s backs,” pretty soon, we’re going to be fake people ourselves.